[ ] Chiang Mai
Travel Dates
2020.01.08 - 2020.01.19
Ricoh GR1v
Film Stocks
Travel Notes
Back to Om Waters to bring in the new year.
You can read about my visit two years ago here.
It's such a beautiful time of the year to be on the lake.
I am told many months of the year the smoke from farmers burning their crops pollutes the city making it hard to breathe. So bad that locals leave town to avoid the fumes.
It's fun to compare the same location with different cameras.
The link above is Chiang Mai on a Leica.
Below are photos of generally the same locations with a compact camera.
Also important to note that the below photos were developed at a lab in Hong Kong, while the ones from 2 years ago were most likely developed in Bangkok by CITY PHOTO (who's quality I was less than impressed by).
Overall I think the Ricoh performed well, even in difficult low-light situations.
The lens on that thing is sic!
This gentleman did an exception job of welcoming me a the airport. Ricoh GR1v on KODAK COLORPLUS 200.
Wasps deserve proper goodbyes too. RIP.
So so so pretty.
Om Waters
"In 1984, Palong first migrated through the Thai - Myanmar border into Thailand from the Shan state in Myanmar. It first started with around 2,000 people." -source. Palong woman shopping in the market. Ricoh GR1v on FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400.
Easily my favorite place in Chiang Mai, Khun Kae's Juice Bar. Ricoh GR1v on KODAK COLORPLUS 200.
[ ] Chiang Mai
Travel Dates
2020.01.08 - 2020.01.19
Ricoh GR1v
Film Stocks
Travel Notes
Back to Om Waters to bring in the new year.
You can read about my visit two years ago here.
It's such a beautiful time of the year to be on the lake.
I am told many months of the year the smoke from farmers burning their crops pollutes the city making it hard to breathe. So bad that locals leave town to avoid the fumes.
It's fun to compare the same location with different cameras.
The link above is Chiang Mai on a Leica.
Below are photos of generally the same locations with a compact camera.
Also important to note that the below photos were developed at a lab in Hong Kong, while the ones from 2 years ago were most likely developed in Bangkok by CITY PHOTO (who's quality I was less than impressed by).
Overall I think the Ricoh performed well, even in difficult low-light situations.
The lens on that thing is sic!
This gentleman did an exception job of welcoming me a the airport. Ricoh GR1v on KODAK COLORPLUS 200.
Wasps deserve proper goodbyes too. RIP.
So so so pretty.
Om Waters
"In 1984, Palong first migrated through the Thai - Myanmar border into Thailand from the Shan state in Myanmar. It first started with around 2,000 people." -source. Palong woman shopping in the market. Ricoh GR1v on FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400.
Easily my favorite place in Chiang Mai, Khun Kae's Juice Bar. Ricoh GR1v on KODAK COLORPLUS 200.
Hi there I'm Jordon.
This is a blog about traveling and film photography. You can read more about me here, visit the archive of this blog here, or support me by purchasing goods from here.
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to enable comments on this site but i would love to hear from you by email at jordoncheung [attttt] gmail [dot] com ✌🏽
Hi there I'm Jordon.
This is a blog about traveling and film photography. You can read more about me here, visit the archive of this blog here, or support me by purchasing goods from here.
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to enable comments on this site but i would love to hear from you by email at jordoncheung [attttt] gmail [dot] com ✌🏽