[ ] Oahu, Hawaii
[ ] San Fransisco, California
Travel Dates
2017.12.23 - 2018.01.09
Contax T3
Film Stocks
Travel Notes
Everything is better in Hawaii.
The weather, the fruits, the chill.
It had been too long since I had visited with my Godfather, so I pulled the trigger on a ridiculously cheap flight out of Osaka and played my un-invited guest card and crashed for a week. The idea was to spend Christmas with the family and relive some of the old memories we had from when I was younger. Easily the highlight for the trip for me was seeing old family members and catching up.
The second highlight was most definitely the various lunch plates on offer. For those unaware, the Hawaiian lunch plate is a thing of beauty. Sweet teriyaki sauce smacked on various slabs of BBQ'd meat, sitting next to a healthy side of non-healthy mayonnaised pasta salad, rice, something deep fried, and a sweet drink to wash it all down. Friend eggs are optional. You can find lunch plates everywhere around the islands, with long que’s outside the more popular ones.
My trip saw me break up the tropics for a few days in San Francisco, which was difficult. I struggled to find my footing, having come from the comforts of family. Staying downtown I saw garbage everywhere, homeless harassing me every 2 or so blocks, and public transportation feeling unsafe. The city is said to be amazing but I left wanting more.
Wherever I went on this trip I was happy to be the fly on the wall and just photograph. I brought FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 as I felt I could rely on it for decent snaps.
Yup that's an american flag stuck into a pile of shit. FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 shot on a Contax T3
I overheard someone on the bus talking about how yesterday someone in this area was stabbed and killed.
A dangerous climb from Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trailhead. Contax T3
[ ] Oahu, Hawaii
[ ] San Fransisco, California
Travel Dates
2017.12.23 - 2018.01.09
Contax T3
Film Stocks
Travel Notes
Everything is better in Hawaii.
The weather, the fruits, the chill.
It had been too long since I had visited with my Godfather, so I pulled the trigger on a ridiculously cheap flight out of Osaka and played my un-invited guest card and crashed for a week. The idea was to spend Christmas with the family and relive some of the old memories we had from when I was younger. Easily the highlight for the trip for me was seeing old family members and catching up.
The second highlight was most definitely the various lunch plates on offer. For those unaware, the Hawaiian lunch plate is a thing of beauty. Sweet teriyaki sauce smacked on various slabs of BBQ'd meat, sitting next to a healthy side of non-healthy mayonnaised pasta salad, rice, something deep fried, and a sweet drink to wash it all down. Friend eggs are optional. You can find lunch plates everywhere around the islands, with long que’s outside the more popular ones.
My trip saw me break up the tropics for a few days in San Francisco, which was difficult. I struggled to find my footing, having come from the comforts of family. Staying downtown I saw garbage everywhere, homeless harassing me every 2 or so blocks, and public transportation feeling unsafe. The city is said to be amazing but I left wanting more.
Wherever I went on this trip I was happy to be the fly on the wall and just photograph. I brought FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 as I felt I could rely on it for decent snaps.
Yup that's an american flag stuck into a pile of shit. FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 shot on a Contax T3
I overheard someone on the bus talking about how yesterday someone in this area was stabbed and killed.
A dangerous climb from Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trailhead. Contax T3
Hi there I'm Jordon.
This is a blog about traveling and film photography. You can read more about me here, visit the archive of this blog here, or support me by purchasing goods from here.
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to enable comments on this site but i would love to hear from you by email at jordoncheung [attttt] gmail [dot] com ✌🏽
Hi there I'm Jordon.
This is a blog about traveling and film photography. You can read more about me here, visit the archive of this blog here, or support me by purchasing goods from here.
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to enable comments on this site but i would love to hear from you by email at jordoncheung [attttt] gmail [dot] com ✌🏽